Katie Dill - Design's Seat At The Table: Use It Or Lose It
Design's reputation has come a long way from "window dressing" to being recognized as an essential strategic lever. Designers are now in the boardroom, are members of the executive team, and are being included at every stage of product development.
However, has our contribution in these forums born the fruit we know it can? Did we get what we wanted and are now taking it for granted? Designers have the opportunity to transform the way businesses work to ensure creativity, empathy and innovation thrive. But this sort of impact requires more than getting a seat at the table.
This talk examines how far we've come and what it will take for us to deliver outstanding value in the next era of design. Leveraging our design skills, we have the opportunity to become instrumental in building the next generation of business.
This talk was filmed at Leading Design Festival 2021. Find out more about the event details here - https://leadingdesign.com/conferences/festival-2021
Leading Design is a programme consisting of conferences, retreats and coaching. Find out more about Leading Design on our website - https://leadingdesign.com/