Līga Lētiņa - Building trust: A path for strong teams navigating through change
Liga is Head of Design at Printify, Print on demand platform, leading a remote first multidisciplinary team of product designers, researchers, graphic designers and photo & 3D designers. Liga is an experienced UX, service design leader with 12+ years of experience in design and strong believer in co-creation and collaboration methods for successful teams that create great products.
Prior Printify Liga was leading New initiatives at If P&C Insurance - working on digital transformation and automatisation projects, as well as promoting Design thinking approach in insurance business and engineering driven culture.
Liga has been actively involved in UX/Service design community development as a founder and curator of UX Riga conference, UI/UX Riga meet-up co-organiser, Global Service Jam Riga organiser, mentor and Tech-track Lead in Riga Tech Girls mentorship program.
The talk was recorded at Leading Design London 2023. Find out more about the event here - https://leadingdesign.com/conferences/london-2023
Leading Design is a programme consisting of conferences, retreats and coaching. Find out more about Leading Design on our website - https://leadingdesign.com/