Christine Pizzo - Mythbusting Millennial Management
There are days where you want to wring your hands...or wring someone’s neck; feeling “These millennials, #ijustcant”. They’re a whole different animal, one whose sheer numbers are outpacing the rest of your company. While it might be overwhelming, or you find you can’t relate, by mythbusting these millennials — you’ll learn how to connect, understand and communicate to this breed.
All blinders will be taken off and you’ll be privy to an inside view of Design Department Structures, Stratification & Individual Requirements, overall Process and multiple Management Styles. We’ll also peek into a few product projects and delve into managing from a team, project, individual and company level.
How To’s ranging from analyzing baseline skillsets apart from raw talent, determining your reward cadence, to inspiring trust and passion will be tackled. Lastly, we’ll wander down the winding path of building a tight, productive and motivated ship working at full steam...not taking naps on the bean bag in the corner. This talk is highly interactive, come prepared to turn the mirror inward on your team and tactics; and know (as your millennials certainly do) only the strong survive.
This talk was filmed at Leading Design London 2019. Find out more about the event details here -
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