Julia Whitney - The Human Blueprint
There’s a popular meme that humans can be divided into two camps: those who embrace change and those who resist it. The first group are the heroes: Enlightened. Set to inherit the future. The second group are petty villains: Narrow-minded, obstructive, and soon to be left behind.
As design and experience leaders, it’s all too easy for us to believe this rhetoric, especially as it’s tempting to see ourselves in the role of the hero. After all, change is what we’re about. We’re naturally gifted at invention, and as agents of digital transformation we’re often change champions; in our own organisations, or our clients’.
But this meme sets up a false dichotomy. It masks is a whole load of complexity, and ultimately, what’s common to us all as humans. Instead we should ask: What part of all of us does change trigger? And what can we hold as our centre as we all flex and stretch: as we observe and iterate ourselves and our teams. As leaders, what choices can we make to effect change for the better, in the working lives of ourselves and those around us?
This talk was filmed at Leading Design London 2017. Find out more about the event details here - https://2017.leadingdesignconf.com/
Leading Design is a programme consisting of conferences, retreats and coaching. Find out more about Leading Design on our website - https://leadingdesign.com/